Hyper-V Certification [Microsoft Exam 70-652]

imageSo I took a nice trip up to Boston a couple of weeks ago for a 2 day partner training course on Hyper-V and SCVMM.  We have Hyper-V up and running in the Labs at IPM but I was looking forward to more in depth exposure to the product.  Unfortunately, Boston did not deliver.  I think the course material and software might just be too new and most of the experienced field engineers are ‘in the field’. :)  On a more positive note, Microsoft was extremely responsive when it came to my brutally honest evaluation form following up with conference calls in an effort to improve the course.  I have been told that the TS: Windows Server Virtualization course is being completely revamped.

Even though the class did little to further my Hyper-V knowledge, I forged ahead with the certification anyway.  Being VMware certified, passing the XenServer test and having ‘some’ hands on experience with Hyper-V should be enough right?

Luckily it was! :)  
You can see from the test results that my weakest area of exposure was the SCVMM section.  The class should have filled that hole but fell a little short.

If one of your New Year’s goals is to get certified, I’d take a crack at MS Exam 70-652.  If you have a healthy working knowledge of virtualization and ‘some’ hands on with Hyper-V, you should be able to squeak by!