Intel + Citrix = PC Freedom

Here is an email that floated into my inbox from Aaron Silber.  Its an announcement from CES this year.  Very much reminds me of the announcement by VMware last year at VMworld 2008 about their vClient strategy. (Client based Hypervisor)

Intel + Citrix = PC Freedom
During CES Intel and Citrix announced a strategic desktop collaboration.  What this announcement entailed was Intel and Citrix hooking up to create a platform where you could have two images on a PC running on top of a hypervisor in virtual machines and still fully compliant with corporate requirements.   This was positioned as a way corporations could provide PCs to employees that could have one image that was locked down and for company work and another for personal stuff substantially lowering management costs while still allowing employees to do what they want.

But, this could also go the other way, where employees could get the hardware they want and their companies could still own the corporate image so that if an employee lost their job, they didn’t have to turn in their PC and lose all of their personal stuff as well.  Plus they could get the PC they wanted and not the generic piece of, well you know, that their company wanted to give them.

*Source article