VMware’s Script-O-Mania ESXi Contest – 10 Days Left!

Just helping get the word out on VMware’s Script-O-Mania contest.  VMware is hoping that creative, clever and cash strapped developers and scripters out there will be enticed enough by the $20,000 (1st, 2nd and 3rd in 5 different Categories – If I am interpreting it correctly) in cash prizes to create and share some of the scripts they have developed to help manage ESXi.  There are 4 main categories and 1 free for all category that you can enter your scripts into for a chance to win.  If this is anything like past contests VMware has held, your odds of winning (assuming you have the skill set to come up with a suitable script) will be very good.  You could, depending on the category, only be competing with a dozen or so other entries.

To me, this is a clear effort to get ESXi more widely adopted and accepted by companies that are still more comfortable with the Service Console of ESX (Count me as part of this group).  Hopefully some kick ass scripts come out of this contest that really make ESXi easier to manage, configure and monitor since it seems to me that ESXi will be the platform (code base) that VMware has decided on for future releases.

Check out the full contest rules and regulations @ https://vmware.com/go/scriptomania.