Tech Field Day Bahston!

Tomorrow is my Tech Field Day in Boston so I’m gearing up for that.  Stephen Foskett was kind enough to invite me for a second time to this unique event.  I’m very excited to go.  It’s gonna be wicked awesome! San Jose was a blast and I’m expecting Boston to top it.  15 independent bloggers and some top notch vendors on the roster.  Check out the attendee list below with sponsors below.

The fol­low­ing del­eg­ates are con­firmed for Tech Field Day Boston, April 8 – 9 2010:

Jason Boche Boche​.net JasonBoche
Carlo Costanzo VMware Info CCostan
David Davis VMwareVideos DavidMDavis
Greg Ferro EtherealMind
Gestalt IT
Edward Haletky The Virtualization Practice Texiwill
Robin Harris Storage Mojo
ZDNet Storage Bits
Greg Knieriemen Storage Monkeys
Simon Long The SLOG
Gestalt IT
Scott D. Lowe Tech Republic
John Obeto Absolutely Windows JohnObeto
Devang Panchigar StorageNerve
Gestalt IT
Bas Raayman Technical Diatribe BasRaayman
Simon Seagrave TechHead Kiwi_​Si
Matt Simmons Standalone Sysadmin StandaloneSA
Gabrie van Zanten Gabe’s Virtual World GabVirtualWorld

Presenting Sponsors

The fol­low­ing com­pan­ies will be spon­sor­ing and present­ing at Tech Field Day Boston 2010.

Cisco Systems
Data Robotics
EMC Corporation
Hewlett-​​Packard Company

If you think that line up looks as wicked awesome as I do, You can use the following links below to keep up on all of the event’s activities!