First Look: Citrix Provisioning Service Cache size

Although its been out for a while, I know there are still a lot of you that haven’t had a chance to check out Citrix Provisioning Server 7.1 yet so here’s a peek at a neat new feature you can look forward to.


The new Provisioning Services agent now gives you details on the cache being used within a read only session.  How to properly size the cache of a provisioned machine has always been something that comes up when talking to clients so I think being able to run a machine for a while under typical usage and check on the cache being used is a neat little enhancement to the agent.  You could always go to the file system and sniff it out yourself but since the information is so useful, why not put it front and center for display.   Eventually, I’d love to see this information make it up to the central console.

Monitoring cache sizes is useful for determining whether you under or oversized the local hard drives (especially in virtual environments) and also to help determine reboot schedules (to clear the cache).

There’s plenty more enhancements in 7.1 but I liked this one. 🙂