Dude, where’s my Citrix Client Printers Utility?

Time marches on and it’s time to upgrade your XenApp Servers.  7.x, here we come.  But your users have been nicely trained to use the Citrix Client Printers Utility and it’s now GONE in XenApp 7.x!  You have 2 options:

1) Change your policies to auto-create all of a user’s client printers, a revolting option if you consider that a traveling user’s laptop may have dozens of printers defined, most of them obsolete or inaccessible.  Biggest culprits: those damned consultants!

2) Copy the binaries (printcfg.exe and at least its English UI DLL – resourceenprintcfgUI.dll) from a XenApp 6.5 server to your new 7.x servers and you are good to go! Works just as before, and maintains the argument that you only really need to auto-create users’ default client printer since you can give them the option of selecting more if they really need them.  The argument is especially strong if you also auto-create their generic Citrix UNIVERSAL Printer (with Preview enabled) via policy, for occasional access to additional printers without their having to be auto-created or auto-retained within their sessions.

The choice is obvious!
This great Citrix tip came straight from JB – Follow him at @Jacqbens.