Quick guide: Port forwarding on your Sagemcom FaST (F@ST) 5260


I have searched the internet High and Low and was unable to find some simple port forwarding instructions for my Spectrum provided Sagemcom F@st 5260 Modem.  Most of it was pretty easy but for whatever reason, Sagemcom decided to make super vague prompts when creating the interface screens. 😉

I put the whole process of creating the port forwards into a video that can be found here.

You can follow the video for the step by step instructions.  But for me the meat of the issue is what to put for the external host field. To allow all internet hosts to access your virtual server, you will need to add a * to that field.   I found all sorts of other information on the interwebs but STAR is the correct answer.  I use the port forward for my Home Assistant instance.


Hopefully, this helps someone else out there on the internet searching for these instructions.

If you end up watching the video above, please be sure to drop a like and comment so that it makes it easier for others to find this solution.

Thanks for your support and Happy Computing!