Fixing my Garadget Door Opener in Home Assistant

Recently my Garadget Garage Door opener started acting up. It turns out that there was an issue with the Username and Password functionality.
The fix was pretty easy as Home Assistant also supports access Tokens to authenticate with the service. Getting the token though is a little tricky. I followed the process documented in the Garadget forums.
It involves logging into the Garadget website using Chrome and ‘inspecting’ the headers sent and grabbing the access_token. This sounds way harder than it actually was.

Once you have the access_token, you can then just add that section to your YAML in Home Assistant.

With the new access method in place, the Garadget devices popped back up in my Home Assistant configuration without issue.
The access_token is also useful if you want to build any IFTTT recipes leveraging the Garadget device.
Happy Automating!
– Carlo