VMware 6 : Unable to connect to the MKS: Internal Error
Almost EVERY SINGLE time I see this error, it’s DNS related. When I ran into it tonight, I immediately thought I had fat fingered the DNS entries in the VMware vCenter Appliance Deployment wizard.
This became an interesting chicken and egg scenario – I needed to check my DNS settings on the Console but of course, couldn’t get a console for the VM! Doh!
Fortunately, I had enabled SSH when deploying the vCenter Appliance (Something I will continue to ALWAYS do!). A quick putty over to the vCenter VM and everything looked fine… What gives?Time to search the VMware Knowledge Base. After some searching, I ran across this: https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2116542
In this particular project, I was migrating hosts from a Windows based vCenter to a vCenter Appliance and apparently when I migrated the existing hosts over to the new vCenter Appliance, some certs got borked.
Quick Fix: vMotion EVERYTHING from one host to the next and everything was back to normal. Whew!