Tag: licensing

vSphere Enterprise. Want Plus with that?

vSphere Enterprise. Want Plus with that?

So there were a bunch of unconfirmed plans last year (2009!) that VMware might be getting rid of the Enterprise edition of vSphere in favor ... Read More

VMware Enterprise licensing rumors

VMware Enterprise licensing rumors

A few of my enterprise customers have been asking me if I know anything about the recent changes in VMware licensing.Ā  Specifically, that VMware was ... Read More

New vSphere Licensing

New vSphere Licensing

Now that vSphere has been announced and the release date is rapidly approaching, customers have been asking what the new licensing will look like.Ā  For ... Read More

New Citrix Provisioning 5.0 Server Post SP2 HotFix for Platinum Licenses

If you own XenApp Platinum licenses and your Provisioning Server is complaining about licensing, you need this patch.Ā  If you are streaming to a target ... Read More

Have you renewed Maintenance on your Production Software?

Have you renewed Maintenance on your Production Software?

What impact does letting your software maintenance expire have?Ā  As a real life example, Customer X had purchased VMware ESX 3.0.2 with 1 year support.Ā  ... Read More